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What We Offer
River Bend Medical Associates strives to provide a progressive, culturally sensitive and diverse family practice by serving the needs of our patients, employees, and communities; unified in our goal to provide excellent services in an ever-changing healthcare environment.
We work with children and adults, providing ongoing care and wellness programs.
Schedule a Visit
Same day appointments are generally available. Please call 916-392-4000 to schedule or cancel appointments, request medications, ask questions, schedule to pickup or drop off forms, and schedule lab order requests or pickups.
Health & Wellness News
November is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month, but what is COPD, and how do I know if I have it?Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, is a group of lung diseases:These lung diseases all make it difficult to breathe.The number one cause of COPD is cigarette smoking, but it can also be caused by…
Diabetes awareness month is when we join our community to bring attention to diabetes, increase awareness of the impact of diabetes, and provide information about the detection and management of the disease. According to the CDC, over 37 million Americans are living with diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic health condition. When you have diabetes, your…
Caring for someone with #COPD can be complicated. The COPD Caregiver’s Toolkit, developed by @BreatheBetter & @RespHealth, includes information, advice, and tools to help care for someone with COPD.
Tips to celebrate Halloween while practicing healthy habits with your family.