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Get Started on Your Journey to Better Health

River Bend Medical Associates, Inc. is offering flu & COVID-19 vaccinations to those living in our community.

What We Offer

River Bend Medical Associates strives to provide a progressive, culturally sensitive and diverse family practice by serving the needs of our patients, employees, and communities; unified in our goal to provide excellent services in an ever-changing healthcare environment.

We work with children and adults, providing ongoing care and wellness programs.


Schedule a Visit

Same day appointments are generally available. Please call 916-392-4000 to schedule or cancel appointments, request medications, ask questions, schedule to pickup or drop off forms, and schedule lab order requests or pickups.

Health & Wellness News

  • Celebrate National Flu Shot Week – Schedule Your Vaccination Today!

    Dec 2nd – 6th is National Influenza Vaccination Week. If you haven’t been vaccinated against the flu, it’s not too late, schedule your shot today! The best way to guard yourself and your loved ones against influenza or flu is to get a flu shot every season. Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease that can…

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  • World Aids Day is December 1st

    World Aids Day is a day for people around the globe to unite and raise their voices together in the fight against HIV. This day of solidarity is an opportunity to remember those we have lost, share our experiences, and show support for the millions of people living with HIV/AIDS. According to the CDC, over…

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  • How Do I Know I Have COPD?

    November is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month, but what is COPD, and how do I know if I have it? Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, is a group of lung diseases: These lung diseases all make it difficult to breathe. The number one cause of COPD is cigarette smoking, but it can also…

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  • Guard Against COPD at Every Stage of Life

    For people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), breathing is often front of mind because it can be difficult, and it gets worse over time. There is no cure yet for COPD, but we provide these NHLBI recommended strategies to protect your lung health at every age.

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Get Started on Your Journey to Better Health