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  • West Sacramento

Reducing Heartburn

Most of us know the feeling: a sensation of burning in our chest or the back of our throat, sometimes caused by a burp.

For some of us, it is a rarity and we can pinpoint the cause of the heartburn immediately.

But for millions of us, the heartburn is the result of a chronic disease called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is developed when our lower esophageal sphincter(LES) cannot properly close between our esophagus and stomach, allowing stomach acid to reflux back into the esophagus. Hence, the acid reflux.

The symptoms and causes can vary greatly for every individual, but heartburn can be almost completely preventable with the proper lifestyle modifications and tricks. Some taking much more effort than others.

Here are some simple tips:

  1. Lose weight. The more weight you carry, the more pressure on your abdominal region.
  2. Avoid irritating foods, such as: spicy, acidic, tomato-based foods, fried foods, citrus, chocolate, onions, and bell peppers. Gluten and wheat products have also been shown to be irritants.
  3. Reduce your consumption of carbonated beverages, coffee, colas, and caffeinated beverages.
  4. Don’t overeat. Eating food in smaller portions to reduce pressure on the LES.
  5. Wait to exercise at least an hour after eating.
  6. Avoid eating too late or before laying down. Wait at least 3 hours before laying down.
  7. Cut out the smoking and excessive Alcohol consumption. These cause the LES to relax, allowing more acid reflux.
  8. Loosen Clothing.
  9. Elevate your body and head when lying down. Place pillows, blankets, etc. to elevate your body and head 6-8 inches above the bed.

If pain or heartburn still persists, contact your Doctor.


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