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How to Keep Your Family Healthy on Vacation

Spring travel season is here! As the cold winter months come to an end many of us have family vacations on our minds.

If you’re a parent, you already know that traveling with a sick child is no fun. There are things you can do to reduce your chances of having an illness ruin your trip. Here are 8 tips for keeping your family healthy on vacation.

Prepare for Healthy Travel

Check the travel requirements and recommendations for your destination.

–       For international travel check the CDC’s Travelers Health Page for any vaccination or medication requirements.

At least a month before your trip, make an appointment with your family doctor. Discuss your travel itinerary and planned activities so that they can provide you with any vaccines you may need, medications, and destination-specific health information.

Hand Washing

wash hands to keep your family healthy on vacation

Washing your hands with soap and water is one of the best ways to prevent passing and picking up germs.

Imagine all the things your kids will touch while on your trip – especially if you’re visiting a theme park. Door knobs, rails, handles, fingerprint scanners, chairs, handles bars, and buttons, the list is almost endless.  It’s important no matter where you travel to take every chance you get to have your kids wash their hands.

If no soap and water are available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to clean your hands.

Disinfectant Wipes

Antibacterial wipes can be super handy when traveling with kids. If you are flying, wipe down commonly germ-covered surfaces on the plane like tray tables and armrests. You can also use wipes to disinfect things like doorknobs, remote controls, faucet handles, and light switches in your hotel room. These handy wipes can also be used at fast food dining areas to wipe down tables, high chairs, and booster seats.

Balance Your Food Choices

Road trip fast food stops, theme park confections, destination delicacies, and S’mores while camping. Let’s face it, you’re traveling with kids, so there will be junk food. It’s ok to enjoy a bit of the bad stuff, the trick is to achieve a balance between the junk and healthy food choices.

stay healthy while traveling with children - sleep

It’s important to eat plenty of high-fiber healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and legumes, as well as lean proteins so you can keep your energy level up and avoid any tummy issues.

Good Sleep

Adequate sleep is essential to keeping your family healthy while on vacation. Lack of proper sleep can lower your energy levels, suppress your immune system, and make children and adults cranky. It can be hard to get everyone to sleep while traveling and gearing up for your trip’s exciting activities, but it’s worth it to try.

Stay Hydrated

While traveling in the cool spring, before the intense heat of summer, it’s easy to forget frequent water refills and hydration. Drinking plenty of water will prevent dehydration and support bodily functions like digestion, temperature regulation, and energy levels.

Pack a Healthy Travels Kit

Put together a travel health kit with things your family may need such as health insurance documents, medications, sunblock, bug repellant, and hand sanitizer.

Be sure to stock enough of your prescription medications so that you don’t run out before you return home. Over-the-counter meds such as pain/fever relievers, decongestants, allergy relief, tummy trouble medicine, antibacterial ointment, and small bandages, can be helpful to have on hand.

If you are traveling to a place where mosquitos and other biting insects are prevalent, be sure to prepare to battle the little pests with long sleeve clothing and bug spray.

Whether your destination is a sunny beach or an open trail, don’t forget to pack plenty of sunblock for the whole family.

Build in Downtime

how to stay healthy on your family vacation - luggage

When planning your family trip remember to build in some time to rest and relax. Try alternating between active and mellow days, or planning for afternoon rest periods. While traveling, especially to theme parks, it’s easy for children, teens, and adults to become overstimulated which can cause burn-out and crankiness.

Keep in mind that small children will still need to take their usual nap and that even adults can begin to lose patience during a fast-paced non-stop vacation day. Remember to slow down so that you don’t get back from vacation feeling like you need a vacation.

No matter where you travel this spring, these tips can help you to stay healthy while traveling with your family.

If you are planning to travel with your family and need vaccinations or healthy travel info., make an appointment with your primary care provider at River Bend Medical Associates today. As part of your medical team, we are here to provide you with the best care in all aspects of your healthcare needs including healthy travel preparations. For more information on our medical practice, or to make an appointment contact River Bend Medical Associates, or call 916-392-4000.


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