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Men’s Health Month

Each June we celebrate Men’s Health Month.  The main goal of Men’s health month is to raise awareness in men and boys about preventable health problems and encourage proactive behaviors that can increase the early detection and treatment of diseases.  With Father’s Day on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to encourage the men in our lives to stay healthy by exercising, eating right, and getting annual check-ups.

Men need to understand, and pay attention to, their health concerns and seek help when needed because many of the top health threats to men are often preventable.

Top Health Threats to Men

Heart Disease – According to the CDC, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in men in the United States.  Risk factors for heart disease and stroke depend on your age, gender, race, and family medical history.  Your family doctor can calculate your risk based on these factors along with your cholesterol level, blood pressure, and smoking habits.

Cancer – Types of cancer that commonly affect men are testicular cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer.  During your annual check-up, your primary care doctor will tell you when it’s time to get screened and will check for signs of any of these cancers.

Colorectal cancer and testicular cancer can often be beat when detected and treated in the early stages, and the earlier cancer is caught, the better the chance of it being treated.

Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease – includes 4 major diseases: COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma.  These conditions interfere with your ability to breathe.  Risk factors for chronic respiratory disease include allergens, occupational risks, and air pollution, but smoking remains the leading cause of respiratory disease.

Depression and Suicide – Depression can often go undiagnosed in men because they are reluctant to seek help, or because symptoms don’t always present the way you may expect. Men sometimes experience depression as irritability or anger rather than sadness.  If you think you are suffering from depression, talk to your healthcare provider.  Even the most severe cases of depression are treatable.

Diabetes – is a condition in which the body does not produce or use insulin correctly.  All men should begin regular screening for diabetes around the age of 45, but screening may begin earlier in men who have a family history of diabetes, are overweight, take certain medications, or have other risk factors for diabetes such as high blood pressure. While you can’t change all of your risk factors, you can make healthy life choices to help prevent diabetes.

Men often avoid doctors and hospitals but suffer from preventable diseases and conditions.  Getting regular check-ups and screening tests can spot disease early when it is easiest to treat. During Men’s health month encourage the men in your life to take control of their health with a healthy lifestyle that includes: a nutritious diet, regular exercise, not smoking, reducing stress, moderating alcohol consumption, and visiting the doctor regularly.

Guys celebrate men’s health month by taking control of your health today by calling River Bend Medical Associates for an annual health exam.  As part of your medical team, we are here to provide you with the best care in all aspects of your healthcare needs. For more information on our family medical practice, or to make an appointment, contact River Bend Medical Associates, or call 916-392-4000.

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