• Greenhaven
  • West Sacramento

Supplement of The Week — Ferrochel Iron

River Bend Ferrochel Iron is a true iron chelate from Albion Advanced Nutrition. Since the iron is in the chelated form it acts highly bioavailable and is more readily absorbed. Reducing common side effects of iron supplementation such as gastric distress or constipation, and decreased absorption of other nutrients.

Would you benefit from Iron supplementation?

  • Anemic: low levels of red blood cells often due to an iron deficiency
  • Vegan: Iron is common in many animal products and is less absorbable in the plants products that it is found
  • Fatigued: A common underlying cause to fatigue symptoms may be due to low iron levels
  • Pregnant/Breastfeeding: The developing and nursing baby demands increased iron intake for proper growth
  • Autoimmune Disorders: Like that of Crohn’s or Celiac disease, whom are less likely to absorb iron
  • ADHD: improved focus have been shown with supplemental iron intake

Get yours today!

Ask your Doctor  if  Ferrochel Iron could benefit you.